by Jeremy Lasko
Intravenous vitamin C's impact on a man in NZ is stunning and wonderful news and it is being heard around the world. The behavior of the hospitals and medical establishment, on the other hand, is causing outrage.
And in 2006, NIH confirmed vitamin C's efficacy in treating cancer, something Linus Pauling attempted to share with the world decades ago, for which he was attacked, rather than lionized.
"We found 3 well-documented cases of advanced cancers, confirmed by histopathologic review, where patients had unexpectedly long survival times after receiving high-dose intravenous vitamin C therapy. We examined clinical details of each case in accordance with National Cancer Institute (NCI) Best Case Series guidelines. Tumour pathology was verified by pathologists at the NCI who were unaware of diagnosis or treatment. In light of recent clinical pharmacokinetic findings and in vitro evidence of anti-tumour mechanisms,these case reports indicate that the role of high-dose intravenous vitamin C therapy in cancer treatment should be reassessed." [Emphasis added.]
Yet S 510 and S 3767, "food safety" bills in the US and C-36, a "product safety" bill in Canada, would remove access to it and to all supplements in adequate enough doses to treat disease.Even prior to the "food safety" bills, the FDA has been working for years to remove information on the scientific value of supplements, even very recently threatening health stores and websites that they may not even mention the word "flu" or "H1N1" in advising customers about what products could be helpful.And the AMA has arranged medical coding so doctors could not use supplements as therapies for diseases, no matter how confirmed in studies, without potentially facing prison.[Go you can go to for updates on the bills and any new ones that may be inserted to remove nutritional supplements.]
Why has the government been mute about this cheap, gentle, effective treatment for cancers? Why is it trying to get rid of a superior treatment for cancer?
How does it work?
All diseases, infections, toxins and viruses cause illness by depleting electron flow. Dr. Thomas Levy (videos below) says vitamin C adds to electron flow and if it can reach the toxin, infection, or the pro-oxidant disease process in high enough concentration, by adding electrons and neutralize any toxic or disease condition. Though other nutrients can add to flow, vitamin C is the ideal choice for this because it is extremely uniquely bioavailable.
Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD, is a cardiologist and lawyer.
Levy spoke in NZ on 9/17/2010 on Vitamin C: The Facts, the Fiction, and the Law. For a much larger amount of information, including many original articles, his powerpoint lecture on vitamin C and the law can be found here.
Dr. Thomas E. Levy discusses, on this video page, how he became interested in vitamin C, and the positive effect it can have. The videos also include one on "iron fortified cereal," which should not be missed as it shows what the drug companies and food industry consider "supplementation."Background
Yet another cardiologist, Matthias Rath (renowned for his work on vitamin C), offers background on why supplements are being attacked and who developed a plan to remove an adequate amount of nutrition from human access. "...In Europe ... (in 1943, it [was]) A crime punishable by death to spread information in regard to nutrition in Norway, Belgium, Holland, and all other conquered countries."
In another short video, Verkerk explains that people are living in extreme fear of diseases - which IV vitamin C could end - and through fear, CODEX plans open the door to yet more antibiotics and to irradiation of all food, despite it destroying vitamins and enzymes in food and in cats, to death and strange neurologic reactions.Perhaps unaware that S 510 and S 3767 would remove access to it and to adequate levels of every kind of nutritional supplement, national media has begun doing segments on IV vitamin C, recognized now as an increasingly relied upon cancer therapy,
IV vitamin C as a cancer therapy
CBC News
Interviews with patients
Dr. Rowan
ABC News
Fox News
Channel 6
The Real Story
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