The marketing move away from only treating only extends the target market from only the sick to everyone in the world markets through fear.
To accomplish the shift from selling to the sick to selling to everyone requires disease mongering be raised to a very high level. The pharmaceutical industry through its deep ties to the Bush administration, through Bush-corrupted science agencies and through mass media, have created waves of fear around "pandemics" - the danger than millions might die - to push the H1N1 vaccines.
Fear mongering, distortion of the truth, and/or ties to the pharmaceutical industry appear in the CDC's data on H1N1 cases being false by as much as 98%; in the CDC blocking an investigation of its H1N1 data; in the pandemic itself having been exposed as a corrupt scheme between vaccine companies and the WHO; in the leading "pandemic" expert at the WHO being under investigation for corruption; in researchers asking if the pandemic were PR and alarmist rather than science and why international scientists were expressing distrust of the CDC; in the British Medical Journal exposing that "key scientists advising the World Health Organization on planning for an influenza pandemic had done paid work for pharmaceutical firms that stood to gain from the guidance they were preparing;" in the head of the CDC who set up a pandemic division and allowed false CDC H1N1 data to go out subsequently taking a lucrative job at Merck over vaccines; in the CDC now being accused of falsifying data on miscarriages from the 2009 H1N1 vaccine; in the CDC saying the H1N1 vaccines were like all other flu vaccines thus didn't require testing while not divulging the H1N1 vaccines were experimental and contain nanoparticles associated with DNA damage; in the CDC ignoring a Canadian researchers showing that taking flu vaccines before H1N1 vaccines increased the risk of contracting H1N1 and letting manufacturers combine the two; in the CDC ignoring high rates of febrile seizures and narcolepsy in other countries from the 2010 "flu vaccine" (H1N1 vaccine combined with seasonal flu vaccine) while urging even more Americans (all over the age of 6 months) to take the vaccines; in the UPI study on the CDC ties to the vaccine manufacturers; in HHS urging media to censor vaccine concerns;
The shift from drugs for illness to vaccines for everyone has marketing logic behind it, and it was also based on two differences between drugs and vaccines. One, It is easy to tell if drugs are making people ill or killing them. The public becomes outraged and companies can be sued. But it is impossible to tell with vaccines, other than in the very immediate reactions after them and the CDC often ignores such reactions, as they have done with thousands of parents reporting their children's severe changes in behavior. Harm that occurs outside of that early time frame, and any chronic diseases vaccines may be causing are hard to link to the vaccines.
Thus, the battle continues between the CDC and parents insisting that vaccines have damaged their children. Rather than err on the side of caution - or even decency - and remove any item in vaccines that is a known neurotoxin, the CDC puts out a study at the beginning of the flu season, with mercury in those vaccines, asserting again there is no danger. For while the CDC is trying to ignore bizarre cases of narcolepsy and the greatly increased number of febrile seizures in children from the flu/H1N1 vaccine which are being reported abroad already, the issue of autism is much greater.
To admit any link between vaccines and the high level of autism occurring in children, would doom vaccines as their much invested in, ideal universal product. The world would simply not accept vaccines that are linked to causing a dreadful disease, now much fear of pandemics is generated. The bloom would be off the rose of vaccines as scientific miracles.
That "miracle" is the foundation upon which vaccines rest and brings up the second reason that vaccines are now favored. They require no science.